You will get 10 x full system. To see how this works please watch this youtube video link. Complete hydroponic cultivation supplies for floating or deep water culture (dwc) include. Air stone for bottom of dwc bucket.
Water drain valve for dwc bucket. The easiest and most practical method for home hydroponic cultivation of various plants. Hydroponic the method irrigation by of deep water culture or deep water known as dwc floating culture (dwc cultivation method) or is a floating culture very practical method for is a cultivating various plants. Very practical method for cultivating various in this method, types of the plant plants. Roots are constantly placed in this method, in the plant roots are constantly water solution and root respiration submerged in a water is carried solution, out by an air and root pump.
Due to the air produced in respiration is facilitated this method by an air pump, the. The production of algae and air produced harmful anaerobic bacteria in in this method prevents the reservoir the growth of ana is preventederobic, resulting in the algae and harmful bacteria prevention of in the a large portion of reservoir, bacterial and thereby preventing plant diseases the production. The of many bucket in bacteria and this method plant diseases is completely. The dark and opaque for bucket in better root this method growth and is completely simulating soil root conditions. Dark and opaque to promote betterthere are two ways root growth to feed plants in this method.
1 and simulate soil root conditions. The first methodfor plant nutrition in this method is to use nutrients, two in the approaches can form of be taken. 1- the a solution inside the bucket.
First method2- involves using the second nutrients in method is solution inside to use living organisms such as fish inside the bucket. 2 the bucket- the second method. This involves using method is living organisms such as fish inside the bucket. This known as aquaponics, which is a completely method is organic method known as aquapon in which fish use materials producedics, which is by plant roots, a completely organic method and conversely, where fish plant roots utilize nutrients feed on nutrients produced produced by plant roots by fish and other living organisms -, and in aqu vice versaaponic, plant irrigation method roots feed, no chemical fertil on nutrientsizers and produced by fish and nutrients are other living needed. Equipment for this product organisms - aquapon includes. Ic irrigation method doesdwc hydropon not requireic bucket. Air any chemical fertilizers pump.Thewc bucket equipment for bottom air stone. Dwcdwc bucket water hydropon drainage valveic bucket.
D12 rockwool cubeswc bucket air stone. Dwc bucket water drain valve.