This system contains all the main components needed to get your amazing hydroponic system up and running without having to run around gathering, measuring, cutting, drilling, and filing all the bits and bobs' hardware pieces. Inspired by the bato/dutch bucket method for growing vegetables, herbs and fruits hydroponically. This method uses an ebb & flow (flood & drain) design which effectively delivers nutrients to the root system creating incredible growth possibilities. Ideal for tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, squash, pole beans, eggplant, lettuces, chard, arugula, and all vining plants. Large 17 gallon water reservoir 27 x 18 x 13.
Gray colored buckets to inhibit algae growth while deflecting heat from sun. These buckets come with a lower white and purple spigot and top black 1/2 coupler. Removable 6 inch net pots.
Lock fitting 1/2 irrigation hose couplings for secure connections. Timer for automatic watering schedule. Air pump for aeration benefits as well as keeping nutrient solution in a constant fluid motion. Robust water pump keeps the system running smoothly.Instruction pamphlet with planting tips. Versatile indoors, outdoors and/or greenhouse applications.