Greenhouses & Hydroponics

All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing

All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing

All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing  All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing

This kit comes with everything you need to start your first grow. We will teach you step by step how to grow mushrooms the right way. Don't waste hours scouring the internet for different ways to grow without any certainty. Let us break down the process for you in our easy to follow guide.

This isn't just a kit, it's a wealth of knowledge that you can take anywhere and apply to any size project you wish. You are one click away from becoming a trained mushroom cultivator. This item is made of tutorial book and mason jar, filters, polyester fiberfill, aluminum, covering, bulk substrate, grain spawn mix, gloves, tub.

All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing  All In One Mushroom Grow Kit Instructions Guide to Growing