Complete mushroom grow kit: everything you need to start growing your mushrooms, including pre-sterilized rye grain spawn bags, cvg substrate bags, alcohol pads, and gloves. Easy mushroom grow kit: our monotub grow kit is perfect for beginners, and all the essential components are included.
Grow mushrooms at home: have fun growing your own delicious and nutritious mushrooms at home, with our easy-to-use grow kit. The most easiest mushroom grow kit: our grow kit is so easy to use, that anyone can do it simply inoculate the spawn bags with mushroom genetics, transfer them to the substrate bags, and wait for your mushrooms to grow. Monotub grow kit: our monotub grow kit is the perfect way to grow mushrooms on a small or a large scale.
The monotub provides an ideal environment for mushrooms to grow and fruit. Rye grain spawn bags: our rye grain spawn bags are filled with perfectly hydrated organic rye grain and sterilized at 15 psi. The spawn bags provide the perfect medium for mushroom mycelium to grow. Cvg substrate bags: our cvg substrate bags are filled with a nutrient-rich mixture of coconut fibre, vermiculite, and gypsum powder, and sterilized at 15 psi. Our substrate bags provide everything your mushrooms need to thrive.
Grow mushrooms at home with ease: with our easy-to-use monotub grow kit, you can start growing your mushrooms at home with ease. Order your complete monotub mushroom grow kit today and start growing your mushrooms at home with ease. Medium size monotub grow kit contains. You'll need a syringe for spores or liquid culture not included in the kit. This item is made of organic rye grain, coco coir, vermiculite and gypsum.