Greenhouses & Hydroponics

CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing

CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing

CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing    CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing

If you are looking for superior quality ingredients and want to do the work of pasteurization yourself then look no further. We specialize in the best omri certified organic ingredients for your mycological pursuits. Here is what we can offer you on a custom order basis. Superior sacred poo substrate mix 5 gallon bag $66.

Superior casing mix 5 gallon bag $55. Sacred poo (poo& only poo) 5 gallon bag $55. Fine vermiculite 1 gallon bag $13.

The minimum order for bulk is $144, in any combination of the above. Since we are not adding any extra moisture, this will work out to be more volume than if you bought the products ready-made. It's a great deal all around. Please note that these materials already contain natural moisture and based on seasons, that moisture will vary slightly.
CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing    CUSTOM ORDERS of Bulk Ingredients Must Email for Pricing