Option for lc for all 6 trays, just pick your strain/variety when ordering in the notes our martha greehouse features the following. 6 12x18x4 trays equivalent to 54 qrt monotubs with liners for easy cleanup, big yields, and no side/under pinning.
3 liter mister on a timer that kicks on 6x a day to keep your rh at a perfect 95-98% while using almost no electric. 3 5000k led lights on a timer that kick on 12/12 daily using almost no electric. 5 fan ensuring co2 is pushed out of filter discs, and fresh o2 is brought in, keeping growing conditions perfect for your babies.
6 bags of sterilized spawn and 6 bags of pasteurized substrate so all you need is the genetics of your choice, and you're ready to grow. We might be biased, but we honestly feel we have yet to find an automated system that compares, or even comes close to ours.