What a wonderful gift for your mom or grandmother. Hydroponic tough guy tower with 24 grow pods and a visual water fountain. External fountain feed and easy valve access added. Assembled in a half an hour the tough guy tower is ready to plant. Planting seedlings with the roots washed off works best.
Pretty much a sure thing to grow, kale lettuce peppers tomatoes. These all grow from small seedlings to full scale plants. If you prefer you can start from seeds and they will grow but not as quick and easy as seedlings.
Seedlings with their roots washed off are stuck in each of the 24 grow pods. I provide foam blocks used to support the seedling stem if required. The roots should project past the pod mounting screw holding the plant in place. Fill the food grade 5 gallon white pail to near the top. Add a tablespoon or two of maxi grow nutrient to the water for each gallon of water.
Plug the pump into a grounded 110 volt plug hole. Nutrient and water mix will bubble out the fountain pipe into the water spreader which aerates the water nutrient and then drizzles down over the roots of your plants. A convenient ball valve adjusts the water flow from just a trickle to a solid flow your choice.
As the plants grow bigger turn it up. I have simplified the tower to be rugged and friendly to use. It really works growing just about anything that has roots.The tower has just a few parts. A tough 5 gallon pail, a tower made from 6 inch pipe with 24 grow pods mounted slanting down, screwed in place with a stainless steel screw that protrudes into the root area. Trapping your plant in place as it grows around it.
The grow pods are sealed to the tower insuring that the nutrient/water flow is contained within the tower recirculating into the pail. Start from seeds or better and much easier, plant small seedlings with roots exposed and mostly washed off. Seedlings will grow with almost 100% success. Plant by splitting the foam around the plant stem above the roots and stuff it in a grow pod. The nutrient, at least a full season is supplied. A couple tablespoons or less per gallon of water is stored in the pail. It will last well over a week in moderate weather. Tomatoes drink a lot and in hot weather will need a little more attention. A high quality pump with only one moving part is provided.The pump runs continuously, or turn off at night, providing a constant visual aerated nutrient mixture to drizzle down inside the tower feeding the roots uniformly throughout the tower. The adjustable flow pump flow is filtered.
The pump is readily accessed by lifting the tower from the pail, even when it has a season of growth. Roots can be trimmed as the plants grow by lifting the tower out of the pail support collar. A ball control valve previously inside is now mounted outside on the external fountain tube for adjustable nutrient flow. See the attached pictures of a sunflower grown from seed surrounded with peppers, squash, herbs and tomatoes at the base. Even a mellon rests on the base area.The tower is about 42 inches tall. For questions about pvc in the tower please look at the following. 1 thick wall white food grade 5 gallon pail with a. Dark blue removable sun cover.
24 pod grow tower fully assembled. Support collar with 4 attaching bolts and nuts and. A powerful, quiet, reliable eco 370.
A flow control valve and external fountain pipe. 2.2 lbs bag of 10-5-14 maxigrow nutrient. 28 foam grow pod fillers. This item is made of hydroponic nutrient and hydroponic tower, hydroponic tomatoes, herbs, tomatoes, lettuce, kale, brussel sprouts, flowers, grow pots, timer, pump, pail.