Lion's mane mushroom growing kit. This product is an exciting project for the whole. Can grow mushrooms for 6+ years with a single kit.
Your log isn't just for decorative purpose; it plays an important role to help balance out your terrariums, or vivarium environment by raising humidity levels and filtering out toxins from the surrounding environment. The mushrooms growing on the log are also complementary by producing a slow release of carbon dioxide as they break down the log, which provides a perfect source of food for the plants that produce the needed oxygen for healthy plant life and ecosystems. It all makes for a lovely harmonious system, just like nature intended. Now you can create a whole ecosystem with your habitat log kit.All you do is find a log, inoculate it with the supplies contained in your kit and place the log into your selected environment, terrarium, vivarium, or other environment that supports warmth and humidity. After you inoculate your mushroom log it will need rest, and warmth to finish its incubation period before it will start to grow mushrooms; this is generally 1-2 months after inoculating your log. As your log ages the mycelium (fungus) of the mushroom will continue to colonize the log, producing more mushrooms and additional growth around the whole log and even the ends of the log making for a spectacular addition to your tank. We give you enough spores to inoculate a 6"-12" long log. You can do smaller logs if you want.
This species has many names including the bearded tooth. Mushroom and pom pom mushroom.They're found in late summer to fall on dead or dying hardwood trees, especially oak and beech. They grow in north america, china, japan, and europe. This doesn't look like your typical mushroom. It has no real cap and no stem. Instead it sports long spines coming out from a single clump.
The purpose of these spines is to manufacture and release spores, the seeds of a mushroom that allow the fungal organism to reproduce. Many different types of mushrooms have spines instead of a cap, but lions mane and other members of the hericium genus are some of the most recognizable.Their color is mainly white, although they become brown or yellow with age. This is not a common species of mushroom so finding one in the woods may be a rare treat. They grow higher up on trees rather than the base, which means that they're also often missed during a mushroom hunt. This item is made of lions mane mushroom, hericium erinaceus, elm oysters mushroom, complete kit, growing instructions, mushroom growers wax, mushroom plug spawn, pom pom mushroom, bearded tooth mushroom and old mans beard mushroom.