It thrives in balanced humidity and prefers temperatures typical of warmer regions. You'll often spot it fruiting during late spring and early summer. An interesting fact it plays a crucial role in breaking down complex organic materials in its habitat. Keen on growing this warm-weather champ it has a preference for substrates like hardwood and straw. Keep the temperature between 75-85f for mycelial growth and around 80f for fruiting.
A humidity level of 90-95% is its sweet spot. Always be vigilant for signs of contamination. Guess what the warm weather grey oyster mushroom is not just a treat for the eyes but also the palate.
It's a culinary delight, known for its rich flavor and meaty texture. But remember, always ensure you're consuming a correctly identified mushroom. This product isn't intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
Get yours now and cultivate with confidence. This item is made of premium mycelium and liquid culture mix.