Greenhouses & Hydroponics

Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted

Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted
Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted
Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted
Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted

Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted    Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted
As the plants are dormant (sleeping), it is perfectly safe to send them bare-root. Bloom color : pinksbloom time - march to mayheight - 10-12 ftwidth - 3-10 fthardiness zone- 7-9full sun to part shadeevergreenrose dawn camellia is an upright growing plant that produces double pink flowers in february to april. The blooms are quite large. Requires slightly acidic growing conditions. The plant reaches you with minimal damage- very safe and secure.

Most plants go dormant in fall and winter and will lose most of their leaves - looking dead and dry - very normal. They will flush out in spring.

Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted    Rose Dawn Camellia Flower Potted