Greenhouses & Hydroponics

Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes

Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes
Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes

Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes    Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes

These are better than master agar slants. Reduce the need for endless sub-culturing. These don't require growing out to plate, and back to slant to keep alive.

Store much more mycelium than a traditional slant, in much less space. They arrive filled with water, sterile, and ready to use. This method was developed by castellani to store many different species of fungi for long periods of time. Once the mycelium has gone into stasis it can stay ready to grow, with its cells hydrated, for up to 10 years in many cases, according to castellani's research. Simply store at a stable, normal room temperature once loaded with your myceliated agar chunks.

I appreciate your patience as i ensure that your order is of the highest standard. However if you give me your address with the item you want, i'll calculate the actual cost, which will likely be lower than $20. This item is made of 15 ml centrifuge tubes, distilled water, shrink film, vacuum bag and protective cardboard box.

Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes    Sterile Distilled Water Storage Tubes